Friday, August 26, 2011

The Real Reason Steve Jobs Stepped Down as CEO from Apple

With all of the rave, news sites and other technology websites have given to Apple within the last several years, I've always wondered how Steve jobs would eventually leave Apple. Would he step down much like Bill Gates did - to move on with another chapter of his life such as what Bill Gates has done with the The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ? Or perhaps he would stay in power leading the company until his death, much like Sam Walton has done (the founder of Walmart). Than again, if Apple fell from it's grace from the public's eyes, much like what happened in 1984 when Steve Jobs was forced out of his position and left the company back than, he could of just as well of been forgotten and been remembered as a "has been" going forward..

Personally, I think Steve Jobs learned a thing or two since 1984 and I believe deep in the back of his mind he was going to make sure that he would never let Apple (computers), while under his direction ever fall from his grip again. I think Steve Jobs read the writing on the wall with the popularity of Android beginning to over take iOS phones - it's like the Apple vs Microsoft battle all over again - and decided to step down while Apple (computers) was at it's highest height ever in it's history. Apple computer's had recently took the title, even if it was for a short time, as the most valuable company on earth while under the leadership of Steve Jobs - not a small feat. Even Bill Gate who was ranked in Forbes magazine as the richest man on the planet from 1995 to 2007, never had his company - Microsoft - achieve that wonder. Apple computers had won the heart of the public at large - I mean love Apple or hate them, they single-handedly changed how music was listened too and purchased in the world, made MP3 players a mainstream consumer product, re-invented what a smart-phone should be, and showed the world how user friendly and how popularly cool it can be to tote around a tablet computer. I mean all these products were around before Apple ever even had a thought in their mind to get into these businesses, but it was Apple computers, under the direction of Steve Jobs, who changed these existing products enough to make them popular and successful. Personally I can't think of any better way to have closed a book and ended an era, while leaving a legacy which historians will be talking about for the next hundred years.

Thank you, Mr. Steve Paul Jobs.
Wishing you the best of health, and a long and happy
post Apple Life.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

In Homage to Apple Computer

The Apple 1, Apple's first personal computer.
It's only fair that I pay Homage to Apple Computers, or just "Apple" as they are called now-a-days, as I begin my blog. I am no Fan-boy of Apple by any stretch, but I do have a large amount of respect for the company. In-fact there's no way you can be a geek, with out really knowing what Apple has done for the world literally, and to the world of computes. Apple didn't invent the first computer, but much like what Henry Ford did back in his day in the early 1900's for the automobile industry, Apple has done to computers and for the computer industry in the late 1970's and surprisingly still continuing to do through out our day today some 30 plus years later.

If you are too young to remember when Pong was the first game console to be sold for home entertainment or begging your mom for a quarter so you can play Space Invaders on an arcade machine, than let me give you a small re-cap of Apple Computers. Prior to Apple, computers in general were very large, and primarily used in Universities, Government agencies, and large corporations who could afford them. The average person didn't own one - in fact the idea of having a computer at home was thought of as being ridiculous by the companies who made them. Still, in the early to mid 70's electronic tinkering was popular amongst technical hobbyists and kits could be purchased so moderately smarter than average folks can buy and build their very own "mini-computer" such as the Altar 8800.

When Apple Computers was founded 1976 (purely on the back and know how of Steve Wozniak - again another story for a another time) they mimicked what had already been done in the past and sold the Apple I computer kit to computer groups and other hobbyist, and the rest as they say is history. Apple continued with their innovations, with the Apple II, and adding other features such as the mouse, a GUI interface with the Macintosh, desktop publishing, fire-wire (way before the USB days) and so on. As much as I can't stand many of Apple's mythology ways, they have made general computing DUMBER - and I use that term dearly. Apple has been a key source in bringing computers - if not actually selling their brand to everyone, than just the idea to the average non-technical person which led other computer manufactures to follow behind. Apple Computers single-handedly had to show the world their out-of-the-box thinking of how using computers can be different, new and an exciting experience. They believed that computers should be easy to use and even fun and they have successfully help moved this idea along the way. Whether from an MP3 player, to re-defining what a phone can do, and even re-introducing an old idea with a new flare in the form of a tablet computer they call an iPad, they have helped the average folk become computer literate with out them ever knowing they were becoming so, and be a part of the new technological age - or how I like to see it - moving into the Star Trek age - that being technology everywhere and in everyplace to help man go where no man has gone before!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

TechnoCents - What it's all about.

Welcome to TechnoCents, a personal Blog, where I'll be expressing my views, thoughts, opinions and of course, my 2 cents on the world of technology. I doubt I will ever be sharing any kind breaking news about the world of Technology as there are plenty of other established websites that already do that now. Instead, I'll be posting the "what ifs" and "what not's" about Technology as well as what I consider to be simple common sense observance with a mixture of  me wondering out-load why the heck no one else sees it the way it appears so simply to me, and maybe to you too.

As for me, the world of Technology began to open up for me when I was a kid and my folks bought me my very first computer, the Radio Shack TRS-80 MC-10. The computer sure couldn't do much by any means, but I had seen enough movies like Star Wars and the 1983 movie War Games to know that technology was the direction and future I wanted to be a part of. I was fueled even more, by a later purchase of the Commodore 64, a 300 baud dial up modem, and connecting to BBSes (Bulletin Board Systems - that is Pre Internet days) back in the mid 1980's, emailing other SysOps and learning of the world of free software thanks to groups such as Eagle Soft Inc. (head bowed down in solemn respect). Since those days, I have kept myself involved in the Technology space that surrounds us all and have seen good ideas come and go, other good ideas come and stay, and still other good ideas that never made it off of the ground.

It's my hope, this blog will be a place where such "nerdy" things can be explored, shared, and talked about amongst those who'd care.
oh ya... This stuff can be cool!