Wednesday, May 18, 2011

TechnoCents - What it's all about.

Welcome to TechnoCents, a personal Blog, where I'll be expressing my views, thoughts, opinions and of course, my 2 cents on the world of technology. I doubt I will ever be sharing any kind breaking news about the world of Technology as there are plenty of other established websites that already do that now. Instead, I'll be posting the "what ifs" and "what not's" about Technology as well as what I consider to be simple common sense observance with a mixture of  me wondering out-load why the heck no one else sees it the way it appears so simply to me, and maybe to you too.

As for me, the world of Technology began to open up for me when I was a kid and my folks bought me my very first computer, the Radio Shack TRS-80 MC-10. The computer sure couldn't do much by any means, but I had seen enough movies like Star Wars and the 1983 movie War Games to know that technology was the direction and future I wanted to be a part of. I was fueled even more, by a later purchase of the Commodore 64, a 300 baud dial up modem, and connecting to BBSes (Bulletin Board Systems - that is Pre Internet days) back in the mid 1980's, emailing other SysOps and learning of the world of free software thanks to groups such as Eagle Soft Inc. (head bowed down in solemn respect). Since those days, I have kept myself involved in the Technology space that surrounds us all and have seen good ideas come and go, other good ideas come and stay, and still other good ideas that never made it off of the ground.

It's my hope, this blog will be a place where such "nerdy" things can be explored, shared, and talked about amongst those who'd care.
oh ya... This stuff can be cool!

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